Create your own small component library

A component library is a set of reusable components.

blog two cover image

Hello there,๐Ÿ‘‹. In this blog, you will read How can you create your own small component library? And then you can use that for your small projects.
You will find the following sections in this blog -

Before starting our discussion, you should definitely check how it will look at the end. And you can check its full code too.

Final Look: check๐Ÿš€
GitHub Code: check๐Ÿš€

Lets we start now.

โœ”๏ธ typography

The code of typography is the simplest one, all we have to do is writeโŒจ๏ธ only some basic HTML . I had not written any CSS for this, but you can write it if you wish.

typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes written language readable and appealing when displayed.
Its code will look something like this -

And finally, it will look something like this -

typography screenshot image
This is all that we have to do for typography. let us move on to our next section, containers .

โœ”๏ธ containers

In my viewpoint, mostly we use two types of containers.

fluid container :- this spreads from left end to right end. center container :- And this, as the name suggests, spreads in the center.

The HTML code for containers has only 5 tags . So you can think, How simple it will be? And 5 tags will look like this -

Okay okay, it has only 3 unique tags ๐Ÿ˜ฒ.
We will style containers, as we have to spread a container in the center. And we will also give them some padding, so they look nice.
Its CSS code will look something like this -

And finally, it will look like this -

container screenshot image
We are done with containers too. Let us discuss links now.

As of my knowledge, basically links are of two types :
   The first one is, on which we want users to focus more, known as Primary Link .
   And the second one is that on which we don't want users to focus more, known as Secondary Link .

Writing HTML code for this is very simple, we have to include anchor tags for this. And its code will look something like this -
And when we style them, using the following codes -

They look like this -

link screenshot image
We have completed the links. let's discuss lists now.

โœ”๏ธ lists

For this small component library, I added only three types of lists.

  1. Unordered list(without bullets)
  2. Unordered inline list
  3. Reverse ordered list
The HTML codes for which is -

Finally, it will look something like this -

list screenshot image
But with only HTML we will not get the above result, for that we have to add some CSS too. And codes for that is -

We have completed the reading of four sections out of eight ๐Ÿ˜Ž. Now let us discuss our next section, which is an interesting one, next is the nav .

A navigation bar is a user interface element within a webpage that contains links to other sections of the website.

Mostly through the navbar, users can navigate between different routes on our web page.
For different links, we can use the Unordered inline list , that we had created in the lists section. Full HTML code for nav will look something like the following -

The final look of the navbar, that you will see from the Final Look link (above), is like the following -

nav screenshot image
To get the above styling, you can add the following lines of CSS -

That's all that we have to do for our navbar, now we can discuss our next section, which is the header .

In the header, we mostly use our hero image and add some hero heading.
And for this component library, I did the same. In the HTML code for the header, I used an img tag for adding our image and an h1 tag for the hero heading. Codes for which finally looks like the following -
To adjust the image size and to style hero heading, and for their alignment, we have to use CSS . Its code will look like this -

In the end, it will look like this -

header screenshot image
Lets we start discussing the remaining two sections for this blog. We will start with the section next.

โœ”๏ธ section

For this small component library, I have included two types of sections. One with no background and one with off-white background.
They both are center containers, that we had made in the containers section .

The reason for keeping them center containers is that it does not seem good to anyone when they have to move their neck to read long text from the left end to the right end. It seems good in the center, they can read it for a long.
For HTML code , I have written some placeholder text. The codes are mentioned below for each section separately.

Code for Section 1 -

Final look of Section 1 -

section one screenshot image
Code for Section 2 -

Final look of Section 2 -

section two screenshot image
As we had discussed that one of the sections will contain off-white background. So to do that we have to include some CSS . Code for that is given below -

Now lets we discuss the last section of this blog, the footer section.

a footer contains information that improves a website's overall usability.
The HTML code for footer is given below. It contains the same Unordered inline list , that we had created in the lists section. And had used in nav .

To style the footer, we need the below-mentioned CSS codes. We have given it some background color , text color , and to give it a little curve shape a top-right radius.

After adding HTML & CSS codes, finally, it will look something like this -

footer screenshot image

๐Ÿ That's all for this

Thank you for reading it till the end ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป. I greatly appreciate your patience.

feel free to connect with me on Twitter , Instagram , GitHub , and LinkedIn .

Original blog: hashnode